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2022年11月10日 18:09 点击数:


Future Energy Internet: Challenges and Solutions

主讲人:英国伯明翰大学张小平教授,IEEE 会士, IET 会士, 中国电机工程学会会士

Professor Xiao-Ping Zhang (IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, CSEE Fellow)

主持人:陈民武 教授

时间:2022年11月14 日 19:00~ 21:00(北京时间)


会议 ID:813-401-719会议密码:10220



With the massive penetration of renewable energy into power systems, variations including fluctuations and intermittences of output powers of these renewable sources are of great concerns, which is considered to a grand challenge to renewable energy integration. It is evidenced that with the high penetration of renewable energy, variations of renewable energy have increased the costs of UK’s balancing markets very significantly. Therefore, there are needs to introduce new technical solutions to deal with the challenge.

This presentation will review the technical challenges of future energy internet and then discuss the two possible solutions. One is about how to deal with the fluctuations and intermittences of output powers of these renewable sources where a new techno-economic framework in terms of energy quality will be introduced. Another one is about how to interconnect renewable energy sources using HVDC technologies in most efficient manner.


张小平,博士,英国伯明翰大学教授,中国电机工程学会会士,IET Fellow, IEEE Fellow,德国洪堡学者。现任伯明翰大学能源研究院智能电网学术总监,英国工程与物理科学研究理事会/伯明翰大学储能中心副主任。

张小平教授因对“高压直流和交流传输系统的建模和控制的贡献”当选IEEE Fellow。目前已出版《灵活交流输电系统:建模和控制》和 《重组电力系统:使用均衡模型分析电力市场》等英文专著及其中文版共5部,发表期刊论文150篇,荣获国际学术期刊的多篇学术论文奖,担任多个国际期刊编委。

张小平教授担任HVDC、FACTS 和波浪能发电方面的 IEEE PES 杰出讲师。主要从事全球能源互联网,能源共同体,能量质量(Energy Quality),智能电网,电力系统规划与运行、柔性传统高压直流输电/柔性直流输电/柔性交流输电系统的实时仿真、新能源的系统稳定性与控制、电力市场与需求侧管理等领域的研究工作。




