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2012年06月19日 11:54 点击数:

题目: Novel Annual Average Daily Traffic Estimation of Community Transportation Network and Its Simulation via Circuit Network Models

报告人: Prof. Sheng-Guo WangUniversity of North Carolina – Charlotte, USA

时间: 2012年6月26日(星期二)下午16:00

地点: 太阳GG娱乐平台登录入口会议室(3211)

内容提要: Recently, complex transportation systems have been emerging into an active and urgent research area because they are important to our lives. Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) of transportation network are essential data for transportation planning, decision making, revenue allocation, air quality analysis, accident analysis, etc. However, how to estimate AADT and VMT in local traffic network, where no traffic monitor system and data are available, is a long-time existing problem due to lack of traffic monitor counts on local area roads.

We present a novel approach to the community area AADT and VMT estimation by developing circuit network model and simulation to solve this long-time existing difficult problem. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose circuit network model for the traffic network to estimate AADT and VMT in the literature. The circuit network model is developed based on traffic network, and has three sub-models combined by the least squares method. The method is well validated by experiments. The methodology may be extended to various traffic networks.

王胜国教授简介:王胜国(Sheng-Guo Wang)分别于中国科学技术大学和休斯顿大学获电气工程学士、硕士和博士学位,现任北卡罗来纳大学Charlotte分校教授,IEEE高级会员。王胜国博士是Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU),Texas A&M University System访问教授,并曾在University of Houston、Tellabs、University of Strathclyde(UK)、University Leicester(UK)、西南交通大学和成都铁路局等任职。

王胜国教授的研究方向包括系统与控制、鲁棒控制、通讯、系统建模与模型降阶、数值方法等。他的研究工作得到了Tellabs、Hewlett-Packard、NSF、Agilent Technologies和NCDOT等的资助,曾获得Best Session Paper Presentation Awardof2001 American Control Conference、Outstanding Faculty Awardof theCollege of Engineering & Architecture, Prairie View A&M University、Sigma Xi Research Excellence Award、Sino-British Friendship Scholarship Scheme和1978年中国科学大会奖状等。他是多项国际学术会议的程序委员会委员和分会场主席,为超过20种学术期刊和会议担任审稿人。目前,他担任ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control和IEEE CSS Multi-conference on Systems & Control的副编辑。